Portland’s Top Car Accident Attorney
If you or someone you love has been injured in a car accident, you may be eligible for compensation for your injuries, medical expenses, pain and suffering, wage loss, and other damages.
Expenses compound when there is lost income because injuries often require you to take time off work, reduce hours, or stop working altogether. Accident victims are left with overwhelming feelings of confusion and anxiety as they attempt to navigate the legal maze.
Oregon personal injury attorney Tim Jones understands the trauma associated with being hurt – or losing a loved one – in a car accident. He is a fierce advocate for his clients and will strive to get you the best possible result.
An Experienced Auto Accident Lawyer
If you have been injured in a motor vehicle accident, you should talk to a knowledgeable car accident attorney to discuss your legal options.
A car accident can be devastating for you and your family. You may be in constant pain and unable to work for long periods of time. The fact is, you deserve compensation if someone else is at fault. However, if you do not know how to obtain that compensation, then the person who is at-fault could be successful in avoiding having to pay for what they have done.
That is where a skillful, top-rated personal injury attorney comes in. We will make sure to protect your rights and obtain the fair compensation that you need to keep your finances stable while you recover. Medical bills and rehabilitation costs can add up, plus there is added burden of possible lost wages. Do not fight alone. Get legal experts on your side.
Who is Responsible if I am Hurt in a Car Wreck?
After an accident, your first thought should be for everyone’s safety and well-being. Seek medical attention for your injuries. Once your immediate safety is taken care of, you should then get in touch with your insurance provider and notify them of the accident.
The problem is that it is not always easy to identify who is at fault. There may have been several vehicles involved, or there may have been extenuating circumstances that affected all drivers in the vicinity. A knowledgeable personal injury attorney will carefully examine the evidence and the facts to uncover who is truly responsible for what has happened to you.
How Do I Obtain Compensation for Injuries and the Resulting Damages Following a Car Accident?
In the aftermath of an auto accident, you are entitled to compensation for both financial and non-financial losses. After your injury attorney has determined who is to blame for injuries, they will set out to determine the extent of your damages.
Financial losses can take several different forms: medical bills related to your injuries, wage loss related to your injuries, impairment of your earning capacity caused by your injuries. You may also be suffering from the long-term effects of your injuries that require extensive rehabilitation just to maintain your quality of life. Your injuries may have also caused you financial hardship if you are not able to work or are forced to switch careers because of your injuries. These are all losses that you can claim as part of a car accident claim.
There are also non-financial losses that you can claim. Being in a car accident can be traumatizing to your mind and your body. You can be awarded compensation for physical, emotional and mental injuries, as well as the long-term disabling consequences resulting from an injury. These are amounts in addition to strictly financial losses, underscoring the myriad of ways that a motor vehicle accident and the resulting injuries can harm the victim.
How Can a Personal Injury Lawyer Help You?
The truth is most laws are confusing. This is true for those that apply to car accidents. You will also be facing a defense from the person who is at-fault. Your car accident attorney can help you with both of these issues. You do not want to accept inadequate compensation because your opponent has outmaneuvered you and you are not familiar with the law.
With the right representation, this means you can focus on healing and recovering and not on how you will pay for bills or put food on the table. Your attorney will handle your legal needs and protect your rights at every step of the process.
If you or a loved one has been injured in a car accident, then do not hesitate to contact us, we are here to help. We offer a free consultation, and we will go over your case with you to help with the ideal strategy to obtain the best possible results.

Before Signing Anything from an Insurance Company, Speak with an Experienced Auto Accident Attorney
Before agreeing to any documents provided by an insurance company or agent, it’s crucial to consult with a law firm experienced in auto accident injury cases. If we take on your case, you won’t pay any fees unless we secure a successful resolution.
Contact Tim Jones PC today at (503) 374-1414 to protect your rights and get the representation you deserve.
"I am proud of the work I do as a lawyer, helping
people, making their lives easier in the face of
catastrophe, standing up for them, and achieving
justice on their behalf. "
Tim Jones